Most posts here are written by Ines, a.k.a me - I’ve grown up on three continents, have travelled to many places and I’m still so eager to see more of this crazy big world.

Hey there!

Posts from Afar are a collection of short essays, posts, travelogues…that take the reader on a journey to faraway places, a momentary escape during a busy day.

Sort of like savouring a delicious coffee…just online.

We don’t focus on keywords or SEO or all that other digital marketing stuff that ends up creating content that is just bland and boring. We like to be vivid, to exaggerate, to enjoy writing (with the odd spelling or grammar mistakes).

We hope you enjoy these brief travel tales.

And if you would like to contribute to them, please do get in touch.

PS: No AIs were used to write any of the content on Posts From Afar.

Traveling, it leaves you speechless - then turns you into a storyteller.
— Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Battutah